
I’ve been nerding out over Star Wars, Batman, and Spider-man since the 80’s, but my fondness for anything fitness related didn’t take hold till about 5 years ago.

I’ve been working in photojournalism since 2011, the first few years primarily in the local government/activism/protest world in the Bay Area of Northern California. After deciding to do a personal health transformation (dropping 80 pounds and picking up distance running in the process), I found my biggest motivator in the form of a Stormtrooper shaped finisher medal.


That’s how Chasing Geekdom was born back in 2015. I spend my time covering (coast to coast) all of the geekness that keeps me motivated (and entertained) wherever I can find it. Comic Conventions, geek themed races, theme parks, and all of the TV shows and films from around the Marvel, DC, and Star Wars universes and beyond.

See you at the con/race/theme park/movies!
